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Welcome to the annual Triton Transfer Storytellers Contest and Gallery!

Preparing your piece? Check out the Judging Rubric for guidance.

Register for Storytellers


Information for Students


Information for Faculty & Staff

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By participating, contestants will...

  • Make at least one new faculty or staff connection on campus.
  • Increase their feelings of resilience through self-authorship.
  • Cultivate a stronger sense of belonging.

Gallery viewers will...

  • Ffurther understand transfer student experiences.
  • Discover value in practices which promote self-reflection.


OASIS-LATS.pngTriton Transfer Storytellers is supported by Transfer Student Success and OASIS Language Arts Tutorial Services.


View the winning pieces and honorable mentions for our 2024 Storytellers competition.

Virtual Gallery

View the 2023 Storytellers Gallery!

Check out the amazing works of art and stories shared by this year's Triton Transfers.

Browse Gallery

Why participate in Triton Transfer Storytellers?

Why participate in Triton Transfer Storytellers?

After participating in Triton Transfer Storytellers, students had a(n)...

  • Increase of feeling valued and belonging as a transfer student.
  • Increase in feeling proud of what they had accomplished at UCSD.
  • Increased feelings of belief in one's self through hard times.
  • Connection to at least one new faculty or staff member on campus.
  •  Increase in spending more time in self-reflection.

As faculty/staff creative coaches or judges...

  • "It was impressive to see the talent and raw truth in the statements. Transfers are an unseen population sometimes and it was wonderful to hear these voices." - 2021 Judge
  • "Things like this contest are absolutely the reason I wanted to pursue a career in higher education - connecting with students, hearing their struggles and triumphs, and seeing how college can impact their development is so inspiring to me!" - 2021 Creative Coach
  • "I don't often get the chance to hear student's stories, I mean everyday I meet with students but we are so focused with work that we although we get the chance to check in now and then I realize I don't know much about their stories and histories" - 2021 Judge

2025 Contest Timeline

January 6-February 18: Registrations Open 

  • registration lets us know that you are interested and we will follow up with directions. 

January 13: Creative & Writing Coach list becomes available.

February 10 - 17: Submission window open

  • If you registered for storytellers you will receive an email with instructions of how to submit your art piece and additional write up about your piece by 11:59pm on February 17

February 18 - February 21: Judging window.

February 24 - February 28: Contestants notified

Early Spring: In person art gallery show

Contest Guidelines


    • Students must register to participate. By registering, students will gain access to writing and creative coaches for support. We highly encourage you to reach out your coaches throughout the process!
    • Students are encouraged to reach out to writing and creative coaches who have volunteered their time to support them in their process. Your meeting with a coach could be included in the judging process!
    • Students must be enrolled in Winter 2025 and Spring 2025 quarters to be eligible for the scholarship.

    • Students must submit a work that addresses an experience which represents their identity and their resilience.
    • Any form of art will be accepted. Examples include: Music, Performance/Acting, Dance, Photography, Digital Design, Story, Comic, Poetry, Slam Poetry, Sculpture, Painting, etc.
    • Artwork will be submitted virtually. For physical artwork, please take a high quality photo(s) to showcase this piece to us. Submissions will be made to Google Drive and should be no larger than 10GB.
    • Each entry must be submitted with a synopsis (1 - 2 page double spaced) of how this piece represents your unique story and how it represents the contest theme of resilience.
Winning pieces will be gifted to the Triton Transfer Hub for display in the Storytellers Gallery.
NOTE: We recommend reviewing the judging rubric to identify what key elements the committee will be looking for when assessing works and synopses. 

Your 25 Creative & Writing Coaches

Creative and Writing coaches are resources for participants as they embark on their reflective, creative, and writing journeys. They will work with you - challenging you to think critically about you previous experiences and identity, and how this information is reflected within your artwork and synopsis.


25 Storytellers - Creative Coach List by Triton Transfers


How do I sign up to participate?

2025 participation will begin at the start of Winter Quarter. Participants must register to submit their work.

What type of art is allowed for submission?
All forms of art will be accepted into this competition. Examples include: Music, Performance/Acting, Dance, Photography, Digital Design, Story, Comic, Poetry, Slam Poetry, Sculpture, Painting, etc.

What kinds of stories can we represent?
Your work of art need not be specific to your transfer transition, but about you as an individual transfer student. Choose a story which showcases your identity, and your resilience. 

Is this contest only open to transfer students?
Because this competition is focused on transfer student identity, transfer student submissions will be prioritized. 

Can I submit something, but not share it in the Gallery?
By submitting your piece and synopsis, you agree to have your art shared on our website and in our physical space should you be a winning design. However, in the submission process, you select to have your piece shared anonymously. 

How and when will the scholarship be granted?
Winners will receive a $1000 scholarship within the 24-25 academic year.

What if I maxed out my financial aid?
Talk to Financial Aid about if and how this award impacts your financial aid package.

Who are Creative and Writing Coaches, and when should I reach out?
Creative Coaches are faculty and staff who have volunteered to support you through your creative and writing process. Writing Coaches are peer tutors within OASIS Language Arts and Tutorial Services.  It is highly encouraged that you reach out to a creative or writing coach; this will be considered within the judging process. Reach out, make a connection, share your story, and brainstorm ideas!

Judging the Contest

We have an amazing group of judges from all around campus who volunteer to review art and synopsis submissions. A rubric has been created to ensure submissions meet contest criteria:

Judges Rubric


2025 Judges Panel

To be announced...