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"Let there be Light"

Nichole Valdez

For my medium I chose to do a sculpture that inhibited my belief in God and the way the
UC system incorporates the most overcoming motto “Let there be Light”. When I first received
my acceptance letter to UC San Diego, this was the first line I saw them represent and
immediately felt the saying “The world is in your hands” applied to me. This is why I decided to
create a hand holding the world with light inside. As a homeless youth and transfer student I
received a lot of doubt from my peers and even from some adults in my life. They didn’t believe
I could overcome the hand life dealt me, but this was my driving motivation. Although some
days it felt they could be right, when I felt no one was on my side, and alone, I would feel the
presence of God opening doors and paths for me to follow. I know everyone reading this may not
have the same beliefs, but for a student like me and my background, the only way I can explain
the blessings happening to me was from Him. I endured a series of events throughout my
education that would be understandable for anyone to just give up, but my want for a higher
education pushed me through. I was able to adapt to difficult and challenging life experiences;
mentally, emotionally and made adjustments to get where I wanted to be. I want to break
generational curses, from poverty and homelessness, addicts, I want to be the change and role
model for future generations. “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God
saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the
light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first
day.” Genesis 1:3-25. I will be the good from my generation, I will be the light.